For example: Pocket watch

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Watches "Pike"  Watch Waterproof housing with 24-hour classic white dial scale. Rare, reliable and, at least, the original watch, the style of which will make them a wonderful gift and rarity product. Learn detailed information about 24 clockwork, the watch case of this model, sapphire crystal, and so can the texts describe similar models. Here we elaborate on the topic of silicone bracelet. Hours of this model can be equipped, if this is reflected in the photograph, black silicone bracelet. Of the photographic image is understandable principle of operation of the locking belt buckle with a double locking. Bracelet itself is large, designed to allow the location of hours over the immersion suit swimmer or diver. In the case of wearing watches directly at hand, you need to "adjust" its size under its owner's hand. To do this, a thin metal object, click on the retaining spring needles in the holes marked on one of the photos with red icons. This will free silicone strap from locking the lock. Usual sharp knife or scissors to separate the rectangular units left and right sides of the belt on the line, ensuring the most comfortable tactile sensation hours on the wrist. In the final stage of fitting spring set spokes to the starting position. Thus, you will achieve the optimum size silicone bracelet, personalized just under your hand, providing comfortable wearing this watch at any time and in any climatic conditions.  The performance characteristics of class submarine "Pike-B" we shall not describe. Let alone one that her fighting qualities possible submariners other countries call it "Shark» ...
  • Вес
    100 g

Product description

Clock in water-proof box with a 24-hour classic white dial scale. Rare, reliable and, at least, the original watch, the style of which will make them a wonderful gift and rarity product. Learn detailed information about 24 clockwork, the watch case of this model, sapphire crystal, and so can the texts describe similar models. Here we elaborate on the topic of silicone bracelet. Hours of this model can be equipped, if this is reflected in the photograph, black silicone bracelet. Of the photographic image is understandable principle of operation of the locking belt buckle with a double locking. Bracelet itself is large, designed to allow the location of hours over the immersion suit swimmer or diver. In the case of wearing watches directly at hand, you need to "adjust" its size under its owner's hand. To do this, a thin metal object, click on the retaining spring needles in the holes marked on one of the photos with red icons. This will free silicone strap from locking the lock. Usual sharp knife or scissors to separate the rectangular units left and right sides of the belt on the line, ensuring the most comfortable tactile sensation hours on the wrist. In the final stage of fitting spring set spokes to the starting position. Thus, you will achieve the optimum size silicone bracelet, personalized just under your hand, providing comfortable wearing this watch at any time and in any climatic conditions.The performance characteristics of class submarine "Pike-B" we shall not describe. Let alone one that her fighting qualities possible submariners other states call it the "shark" ...


  • Вес
    100 g

Price: $125 $138

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