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Russian Souvenirs

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It is possible to guess, what the most valuable to the foreign tourist who visited the capital of the Russian Federation? Bolshoi theater, Red Square, view of the Kremlin?. Perhaps, it is possible to guess indefinitely. And all opinions expressed in this hypothetical dispute will be right. Really, in the capital of Russia is what to look to that to be surprised and to be surprised that to remember and what to study. But one remains indisputable – any tourist, "from distant wanderings coming back", of course, surely will bring with itself from overseas distances any souvenirs, knickknacks, beautiful bagatelles. Which even will remind him of an old trip, about "miracles overseas and exotic" years later.

Probably, for this reason gift shops in Moscow – very popular place, literally object of obligatory visit by those who got to the capital of Russia. And that in them, in these shops, is only not present. Both Fabergé's eggs, and Gzhel list, and scarfs down Orenburg and amazing beauty woolen pavloposadsky scarfs. And the Khokhloma list on wooden spoons and ware, and even the Tula gingerbreads which want to be eaten right there with appetite under a tea. By the way, samovars Tula coal (these are those which also "spherical" call which not on electricity, and or on cones work at firewood) too are present at shops. In the widest, so to say, assortment.

Yes you never know that the Russian primordial land can offer guests overseas since ancient times rich in traditions and on workmen? Stamping and enamel, birch bark from Vladimir and the Cossack checkers from Kuban, army caps with ear-flaps and badges with "SA" inscription, silver coasters from St. Petersburg (from them noblemen and boyars at the imperial yard desired to drink tea) and happiness top for the foreign tourist – the Russian souvenir the Nested doll with a unique national list …

Of course, the foreign tourist needs also manner corresponding, overseas. That also the shop in which it will choose the Russian souvenir, was suitable, civilized and that the range, as they say, corresponded. That at once in one place and pavloposadsky scarfs for it with Khokhloma flat dishes yes spoons, and Gzhel shop that, it is desirable, in a rich set I offered. That also the shop of samovars right there was, such rich …

After all tourists – they the people such, even upon purchase of souvenirs try to stock up with impressions and memoirs for the years ahead. Well and, of course, the capital Russian corresponds - gift shops are present at Moscow most that on is, various, with the wide range, with a wide choice. And one of them – ours. GoldMoskow shop ( which has honor to offer the visitors the richest choice of truly Russian souvenirs of the highest quality at quite reasonable, reasonable price.

We have always in existence Tula samovars coal in wide assortment, as well as electric samovars with unique design decisions. We have a wide choice of decorative plates and other painted ware, stamping flasks, nominal hours, the range of national headdresses. And our collection of the souvenir t-shirts decorated not only folklore, but also national – sports attributes, will be enough for all fans of the Russian exotic.

Kubachi, Astrakhan, Volgograd, with gilding and silver blackening, with stamping and molding, the melkhiorovy and nickel, decorated with the image Crowns of the Russian Empire and the Two-headed eagle – the Coat of arms of the Russian Federation … This incomplete transfer of the range which is present at our shop very popular in due time at ceremonies of tea drinking of coasters. Yes it also is clear – from beautiful, being the real work of art, and tea is more tasty than a coaster … More with pleasure, perhaps.

The richest, constantly replenished collection of scarves – down Orenburg, woolen and silk, big and small, with a stuffed, volume pattern pavloposadsky scarfs …. Always in existence in our shop (

And still we suggest our dear clients to use such convenient type of service as online – trade. On the site of our shop it is possible to choose, pick up any of descriptions of goods, available in existence. To ask the price, compare, think. Then to order goods in the same online the mode, to pay. And or to come behind the pleasant souvenir, or to order delivery in hotel. And in general the service of our delivery serves practically all Russia.

The souvenir even if it has applied value is always much bigger, than simply goods which can use in memory of a trip. It is Memory of a trip. About the days spent interestingly, informatively, opening for itself the world, the country, the people, culture new, unknown hitherto. For this reason souvenirs are very important for the numerous tourists every year visiting the capital of Russia …

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