Decorative plates, of course, are not created in order to use them for eating the food. Decorative wall plate - it's undeniable work of art. They carry and artistic value and historical information, and most importantly, the memory of the event and the emotions associated with it. Today has created many versions of such plates, that our store offers the most exacting taste wall porcelain plates with views of Moscow and coats of arms. This souvenir is beneficial to decorate the interior of your home, make it more stylish and unique. Our collection is constantly updated.
Usually souvenir plates depict portraits or landscapes, reproductions of paintings by famous artists. Decorative plates on the wall with the image of any symbols are also not uncommon. These souvenirs like Bringing tourists to the memory of the journey. Wall plate with the image of the coat of arms or historical sites will be reminded of the long journey. Dyes used for patterning, give the opportunity to create any track and able to convey the full range of colors and shades. Images on porcelain remain for a long time and full-color bright as the day of purchase. Obviously, the beauty, durability and affordability images allowed these nice souvenirs go to the category of collectible items. Today collect decorative wall plates became fashion trends. And many seek to acquire unique items to replenish your collection and decorate your home souvenirs.
The idea that ordinary plate can function not only dishes, but also bear the artistic value, came up with the people in ancient times. In the Middle Ages on major holidays on decorative dish was served a variety of dishes. These plates were painted by hand. Usually portrayed them various deities worshiped people. Later started doing the dishes made of precious metals, artfully decorating its finest engraving. Gradually decorating plates passed an independent art form.
Today decorative plates are made of different materials - this glass and ceramic, and metal. But the most popular steel decorative plates on the wall of china. Wall plates of porcelain compare very favorably, snow-white porcelain base allows to transfer the entire spectrum of color images, and the quality of modern dyes allow souvenir for a long time to please the eye.
Decorative plates can be used not only to decorate the walls. Many decorative plates are equipped with stand, souvenirs and allows you to post on a horizontal surface. This stand folds and unfolds very easily, moreover, dish it very securely fastened, the entire structure is obtained very stable. Dish rack is located at an angle of 60 degrees, which makes lighting and ideal souvenir review.
And the size of the wall porcelain plates are very different. They may be entirely miniaturized and can have a sufficiently large size. The most common size of souvenir plates is 20-30 cm. The product is of a size clearly shows the smallest details of the total composition, it is compact enough to place and a souvenir on a shelf or on the wall there is no trouble.
Form souvenir plates is the most diverse. Some specimens have an oval shape. Such wall porcelain plates are very advantageous to look. It is also possible to meet a rectangular dish shape and a square, and sometimes even in the form of a triangle. But most of all wall plates have the usual us form a circle.
As a rule, designed to decorate the room, decorative plates on the wall look like ordinary dining utensils. They may also be perfectly flat with slightly upwards reflexed with rounded edges or uniform recess. Porcelain souvenirs of this kind are packed in an attractive box made of cardboard. Such packaging is also very beautiful and, in addition, allows enough delicately and safely transport the product.
Decorative wall plates can be purchased in every souvenir shop anywhere in the world. Reasonable price and the material from which made these souvenirs, made them very popular and loved. This commemorative plate can be a good gift and become a great reminder of a vacation.
Our shop offers you a collection of wall plates. You can choose your favorite items to buy and decorative plates right now, on very favorable terms and without leaving your computer. The level of service in our online store and the quality of our goods you will be pleasantly surprised.