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Cap Border Guards  military cap Border Troops. Material 100% wool cloth. Ceremonial gold braid and a soldier's badge sample Soviet period. The rich history of Russian border troops and eventful feats Russian heroes, starting with the period of the reign of Vladimir in Kiev Rus. So one of the first defenders of the borders it was Ilya Muromets. Every year, May 28 is the day of the frontier guard, not only in Russia, but in all the countries of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Cap this day can be seen on all those in any period had served valiantly for the protection of borders of our Motherland.
  • Вес
    300 g

Product description

Military service cap Border Troops. Material 100% wool cloth. Ceremonial gold braid and a soldier's badge sample Soviet period. The rich history of Russian border troops and eventful feats Russian heroes, starting with the period of the reign of Vladimir in Kiev Rus. So one of the first defenders of the borders it was Ilya Muromets. Every year, May 28 is the day of the frontier guard, not only in Russia, but in all the countries of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Cap this day can be seen on all those in any period had served valiantly for the protection of borders of our Motherland.


  • Вес
    300 g

Price: $28 $34

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