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Samovar set of "red ash"  Beautiful and high electric samovar volume of 4 liters of wine glasses in the form of a smooth production of the old Russian samovar manufacturer of Suksun. Complete with a samovar painted in a bright style with a metal kettle of 300 grams and a rigid metal samovar tray in the form of "horseshoe". Samovar height of 38 cm, 4-liter boil for 20-25 minutes, using the built-in heater of 1 kW at a voltage of 220 volts consumed. Due to the fact that the metal teapot very quick way to warm up for a couple, as a result soon the process of brewing tea leaves, tea making soft, fragrant and useful drink.
  • Вес
    3500 g

Product description

Beautiful and high electric samovar volume of 4 liters of wine glasses in the form of a smooth production of the old Russian samovar manufacturer of Suksun. Complete with a samovar painted in a bright style with a metal kettle of 300 grams and a rigid metal samovar tray in the form of "horseshoe". Samovar height of 38 cm, 4-liter boil for 20-25 minutes, using the built-in heater of 1 kW at a voltage of 220 volts consumed. Due to the fact that the metal teapot very quick way to warm up for a couple, as a result soon the process of brewing tea leaves, tea making soft, fragrant and useful drink.


  • Вес
    3500 g

Price: $169 $189

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