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Hours ship "Red October" Артикул: W4242

Hours ship "Red October"  Wall Clock ship sealed in cast metal housing. Watches with high accuracy speed and duration of operation up to 7 days, with full implementation of the factory clock spring. Included with the clock supplied steel thumb key used to open the protective cover of the watch factory and made the clock spring. The clock can be used not only on a personal submarine, but also in the kitchen, where the humidity and oily fumes adversely affect the mechanism of any watch, are not protected by their integrity. What makes a great watch with a second hand will show you the exact time cooking and eating. And of course, in the opinion of the famous Captain Vrungel, if you have at least a small boat or raft, you just need to watch these without which the voyage will be extremely pointless., And in some cases even dangerous by the fact you will not even know how much your "Victory" arrive in your destination port.   In addition, you have a unique opportunity while watching the Oscar-winning thriller "The Hunt for the" Red October »» ( The   Hunt   for   Red   October)  feel Marco Remiusom in its strategic Soviet submarine.
  • Вес
    3000 g

Product description

Wall clock in the ship cast a sealed metal case. Watches with high accuracy speed and duration of operation up to 7 days, with full implementation of the factory clock spring. Included with the clock supplied steel thumb key used to open the protective cover of the watch factory and made the clock spring. The clock can be used not only on a personal submarine, but also in the kitchen, where the humidity and oily fumes adversely affect the mechanism of any watch, are not protected by their integrity. What makes a great watch with a second hand will show you the exact time cooking and eating. And of course, in the opinion of the famous Captain Vrungel, if you have at least a small boat or raft, you just need to watch these without which the voyage will be extremely pointless., And in some cases even dangerous by the fact you will not even know how much your "Victory" arrive in your destination port. Additionally, you have a unique opportunity while watching the Oscar-winning thriller "The Hunt for the" Red October »» (The Hunt for Red October) feel Marco Remiusom in its strategic Soviet submarine.


  • Вес
    3000 g

Price: $222 $267

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