Replica of ancient Russian cupholders with the image of the last Russian emperor. Nikolai II (Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov), the Russian Tsar, the Russian emperor, the martyr, the son of Tsar Alexander III. 6 (19) in May 1868 -17 July 1918. On Nicholas II ascended the throne at age 26, earlier than expected, resulting in the premature death of his father. In his first address to the nation Nikolai declared that "from now on he covenants permeated his deceased parent, accept the sacred vow in the face of the Almighty always have a common goal of peace prosperity, power and glory roads of Russia, and the dispensation of the happiness of all his loyal subjects." Strong belief store basis and traditions of Russia, combined with a deep sense of responsibility for her fate did Nicholas II ascetic ideas, for which he gave his life.Metal antique silver 84 samples with the stigma of the master. Fine jewelry handmade. Weight 153 grams cupholders. Optional holder can be equipped with a hard gift box, made by hand, with two metal locks cost 1550 rubles and a silver spoon cost 990 rubles
Price: $547 $578
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