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Hat "Budenovka konarmeytsa"   Cloth headdress, adopted January 16, 1919 as a distinctive attribute of the Red Army uniforms. Blue star sewn on the front part of the conical headgear with a visor and neck for parts of mounted armies, the first of which was Cavalry Division Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny. That is why the headdress and became known as "Budenovka».
  • Вес
    150 g

Product description

Cloth hat, adopted January 16, 1919 as a distinctive attribute of the Red Army uniforms. Blue star sewn on the front part of the conical headgear with a visor and neck for parts of mounted armies, the first of which was Cavalry Division Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny. That is why the headdress and became known as "Budenovka."


  • Вес
    150 g

Price: $12 $14

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