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Bell "Holy Russia"  Large bronze Valdai bell with a bas-relief decoration. The circular panorama of the ancient Russian city perfectly conveys the mood of Russian grand gift. The bell has a very powerful mid-tones resonating ringing frequency. Valdai bell can be used for educational or other institutions as an excellent sound opovestiteli. Bell diameter 80 mm, height 90 mm.
  • Вес
    250 g

Product description

Large bronze bas-relief Valdai bells decoration. The circular panorama of the ancient Russian city perfectly conveys the mood of Russian grand gift. The bell has a very powerful mid-tones resonating ringing frequency. Valdai bell can be used for educational or other institutions as an excellent sound opovestiteli. Bell diameter 80 mm, height 90 mm.


  • Вес
    250 g

Price: $49 $56

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