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Bells cast

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This section presents the cast bells. These wonderful bronze souvenirs made by the best masters in Valdai bell business. It is these bells known all of his wonderful iridescent voice. After the bell fishing in Valdai maintains its tradition has been for centuries.

Why do I need to buy a cast bell
These wonderful bells are made of bronze. For application to these drawings and inscriptions technique was used galvanic blackening. Due to this, the decorative elements of the bell are natural bronze color, and the entire background "etched" and obscured under the influence of electricity. Previously, similar blackening used special formulations and acid corrosive and "blackening" metal.
These bells are decorated with images of Orthodox churches, and the inscriptions are made in the style of church texts. Therefore, a souvenir will be a very good look at home in a pious man. Yes, and any other it will look good. After all, the age-old traditions and their revival in our homes and souls - not the worst of the modes.
In addition, the cast bronze bell is a great souvenir for your foreign friends. Or simply for the home of the person you wish happiness and prosperity. After all, the bells have long been famous for its ability to ward off evil spirits and bring all possible house favorable energy.
But the people who collect bells, similar instance can lead to a complete delight.

Advantages of cast bells:
Great clear coat souvenir, showing part of Orthodox life;
-Kollektsionny Instance for lovers of bells;
-Shop Cast bells is available on our website

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